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Madi Williamson
Oct 12, 20215 min read
Volunteer Diaries: Pushbacks and Other Horror Stories
"Human rights are only given to you if you are first recognized as human."
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Madi Williamson
Aug 23, 20215 min read
Afghanistan: What is Here and What is Yet to Come
"The current narrative significantly understates the magnitude of the crisis that has already unfolded and the crisis that looms."
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In-Sight Collaborative
Aug 12, 20213 min read
Criminalizing the Humanitarian Sector: Who Protects Humanitarians?
Criminalization of humanitarians by authorities within the European Union is becoming a new security crisis
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Madi Williamson
Jul 28, 20214 min read
Volunteer Diaries: "Refugee"
"Their longing for home and the grief of leaving it behind are tangible."
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Madi Williamson
Jan 3, 20212 min read
Volunteer Diaries: Dear Mama
"Mainstream society paints them as dangerous beasts and leaves no place for their pain. He is not given a shoulder to cry on or an army...
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Madi Williamson
Oct 21, 20207 min read
Volunteer Diaries: My Brother is Behind Bars
"Authoritarianism is an undeniable global pandemic, and everyone should be concerned for their human rights."
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In-Sight Collaborative
Sep 21, 202012 min read
Better Sanitation and Deeper Relationships: Lesson Learned from Past Health Crises in Refugee Camps.
"...they are forced into confined space with thousands of other people with limited access to sanitation..."
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Madi Williamson
Jun 14, 20203 min read
Volunteer Diaries: Earth Angels and Human Lifelines
"I wish I could do better for them. I hope they know how much I love them."
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Madi Williamson
Jun 14, 20206 min read
Volunteer Diaries: The Aid Workers Paradox and Other Moral Injuries
"I have learned new ways to love, how to give grace, how to forgive... but I will never be able to forget the injustice I have seen."
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Madi Williamson
Jun 14, 20203 min read
Volunteer Diaries: Heartbreak, Injustice, and Other Bitter Maladies
"My heart has never broken so forcefully before."
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